This is not an advertisement for a new Godzilla movie. We actually went to see Dinosaurs in Paris and you may be surprised that we did plan for this before we left Taiwan for Paris. That was 2007. Ethan was 5 and grew very interested in Dinosaurs. When we planned our trip to Paris, I found from the web that we can actually see the Dinosaur skeletons in Le museum national d'histoire naturelle (Natural History Museum).

So we bought the tickets and entered the Evolution Gallery happily. Ethan felt on stone stairs days before at Sacre Coeur and still had bruise on his face. The clerk must have seen that and was inquiring my address but had to give up when he learned we were only visiting. I think he must be suspecting we abused Ethan. Good to know people caring about your kid...

The shark behind seems to be imitating them...

This guy is huge but doesn't look like a Dinosaur to me... It turned out to be a blue whale skeleton. One of the largest in the world. So where are the Dinosaurs? We went to the wrong gallery. Must go to the Paleothology Gallery according to the clerk...

Well, not a long walk... And a beautiful road...

I am sure no mistake this time... Got some discounts as we just came out of Evolution Gallery.

Hello, seen you twice today, Mr. Giraffe. Where are your skin and flesh?

Only until today, we know that it is impossible for a turtle to jump out of its shell. How are the cartoons teaching our kids these days...

Michelle had taken this photo to show her boss: if anytime he needs a brain, he can come here. There are plenty of them...

Whale again...

We finally found the Dinosaurs on the 2nd floor (1st floor for European people...)

The ancestor of the ones we have seen above...

We had seen the Mammoth flesh before the 2008 Taipei exhibition of Mammoth from Sakha Republic but we would want to see the big whole one if possible.

Dinosaur Eggs?

Are we related?

Tired but happy...

This modern dragon is situated just outside the museum. It is made 100% with recycled materials.